🚍 Excitement is in the Air!🚍 We're thrilled to welcome everyone back for the first day of school tomorrow! Our buses will be running their routes, and we kindly ask for your patience as we ensure all our students get to and from school safely. We're looking forward to a fantastic day filled with great memories. Let's make it a wonderful start to the school year!
5 months ago, Jennie Whisnant
Back to School
Attention Parents and Students: Please read the attached letter regarding the upcoming school year. Thank you.
5 months ago, Scott Small
Parent Letter
24-25 Open House is TONIGHT from 6 to 8 at all campuses. We can Bearly wait to see everyone.
5 months ago, Jeff Johnton
7th Grade Orientation is at 5:30 TONIGHT in the Cafeteria. Go Bears
5 months ago, Jeff Johnton
Mammoth Spring School's Open House will be on Monday, August 12, from 6:00 – 8:00 PM.  If you have a student in 7th grade, there will be a short meeting for parents and students beginning at 5:30 PM in the cafeteria.  Teachers and staff are working hard to make the 24-25 school year the best. We look forward to seeing all the smiling faces on Monday evening.
5 months ago, Jennie Whisnant
The board meeting scheduled for Monday, August 12, will begin at 5:00 p.m. due to Open House.
6 months ago, Paula Stewart
There will be a special board meeting regarding personnel on Thursday, August 1, beginning at 5:30.
6 months ago, Paula Stewart
New Student Registration will be Monday, August 5 through Friday, August 9th at all campuses.
6 months ago, Jeff Johnton
We are pleased to announce that Ms. Richey be transitioning into a new role as a paraprofessional at the Mammoth Spring Elementary School. She is excited to work directly with students at the Mammoth Spring School District.
6 months ago, Jennie Whisnant
Many students receive Summer EBT automatically, but some families need to fill out an application. If you attend a school that provides free lunch to all students, for example, you can qualify for Summer EBT if your household income is below 185 percent of the federal poverty level. But you must apply before August 26 to receive the benefit. Children who attended Head Start or Early Head Start programs during the 2023-2024 school year are eligible for Summer EBT, and some of these families will receive the benefit automatically. However, if you had a child who attended any of the Head Start programs listed at this link at any point during the 2023-2024 school year, your child is eligible but you need to apply For additional information visit: https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/divisions-shared-services/county-operations/summer-ebt/summer-ebt-applications/
6 months ago, Jeff Johnton
Many students receive Summer EBT automatically, but some families need to fill out an application. If you attend a school that provides free lunch to all students, for example, you can qualify for Summer EBT if your household income is below 185 percent of the federal poverty level. But you must apply before August 26 to receive the benefit.  Children who attended Head Start or Early Head Start programs during the 2023-2024 school year are eligible for Summer EBT, and some of these families will receive the benefit automatically. However, if you had a child who attended any of the Head Start programs listed at this link at any point during the 2023-2024 school year, your child is eligible but you need to apply  If you do need to apply, you can access the application using any of the links below: