Mammoth Spring School District will remain in session on Tuesday, November 5.
However, please be aware that buses may experience delays navigating washed side roads, which could affect pick-up times.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we prioritize student safety.
The District Town Hall meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 5, has been postponed to Wednesday, Nov. 6. It'll be held from 3:45 to 5:00 PM in the cafeteria.
If you need to meet after 5:00 PM, please contact the high school office, and we will be happy to make arrangements to accommodate you.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Due to flooding and unsafe travel conditions, tomorrow's ATLAS Testing trip has been rescheduled for Thursday, November 14th.
There was a mistake on our Calendar, there will be no Book Fair this week.
Mrs. Moore's bus is running behind this morning due to the weather. Thank you.
Don't forget that clocks will fall back an hour on Sunday morning! ⏰
October's Perfect Attendance students! Great job, Bears!
November is National College Application Month! 🎓 Throughout October and into November, Mrs. Smoot and Mr. Savage have been assisting our seniors with their college applications. We're so proud of the Class of 2025! 💙 #BearsOnTheHill
Congratulations to these October Students of the Month! (Grades 4-6) Way to go Bears!
Congratulations to these October Students of the Month! (Grades K-3) Way to go Bears!
This week at Mammoth Spring Elementary, we have been talking about GOALS! It's so important, no matter how old or where we are in life, that we have goals. The Bears are using the SMART Goal method. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. By using this method to set our goals, we know we have set ourselves up for success! One goal had to be academic, and for 3-6 grades, they could choose the other two in any area. The students will keep these goals where they can see them daily so they can ask if they are doing what they have to to meet them. Ask these students about their goals, and let's all get behind them for their ultimate success!
October's Attendance Mystery Prize winners!!!!!
5th grade has won 2 months in a row!! Kindergarten came in 2nd!!!
Next month any class who has a 97% attendance rate will win a mystery prize!!
The Mammoth Spring School District Food Pantry is distributing food today. You must have your food card to receive the items.
Please join us for Financial Aid Night with Ozarka College on Dec. 5 from 4-7 pm in the High School Library!
All students and parents are welcome, even if you don't plan to attend Ozarka.
Athletic Update:
Basketball is well underway, and got started on Monday evening when the junior girls traveled to Sloan-Hendrix for the consolation game in the Bill McCurley Tournament, where they were defeated by Hillcrest. Last night, all four teams took on Bay at home. Friday, junior boys and both senior high groups will travel to Viola to play. A special thank you goes out to the Mammoth Spring-Thayer Rotary Club, who helped us in our concession stand last night. We appreciate you! We would be glad to have any other community group or local business who wants to come and pair with us for a community event on a game night. The Bear Den is always a great place to catch up with members of our community, and we are glad to host everyone. Good luck to our teams this week as they compete and Go Bears!
Thank you to Harding University for speaking with our seniors today!