almost 3 years ago, Cindy McCradic
Elementary Parents: The lost and found in the office is OVERFLOWING and there are more things on the playground as well. If your child has lost a jacket or coat at school, please have them come look through this. It will be donated in the very near future because we do not have enough room to store it all in the office.
almost 3 years ago, Sara Busch
The regular monthly board meeting will be held tonight in the cafeteria beginning at 6:30.
almost 3 years ago, Paula Stewart
almost 3 years ago, Cindy McCradic
Friday, January 7 will be a Virtual Day for the Mammoth Spring School District due to dirt roads remaining snow-covered. Complete AMI Day 2 packets or Day 2 assignments on Google Classroom. Tomorrow's basketball games at Armorel have been rescheduled for January 27.
almost 3 years ago, Sara Busch
Parents: If you did not receive the text/call about today's school cancellation, please email your contact information to or
almost 3 years ago, Sara Busch
Due to the winter weather advisory and its timing, Mammoth Spring School District will be closed today. This will be AMI Day 1.
almost 3 years ago, Sara Busch
2022 PeeWee Basketball Schedule
almost 3 years ago, Sara Busch
MSHS Parents/Guardians: Report Cards will be mailed Thursday, January 6th.
almost 3 years ago, Mary Holland
MSHS Parents/Guardians: in our ongoing efforts to strengthen communications about your child's grades, BEGINNING JANUARY 10TH, your student will receive a WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT REPORT from each of your child's teachers. This report will include SUBMITTED and MISSING assignments. Please sign the reports and return them the following day with your student.
almost 3 years ago, Mary Holland
MSHS Parents/Guardians & Students REMINDER: in the event of inclement weather, all 7th through 12th grade classroom assignments will be posted on Google Classroom.
almost 3 years ago, Mary Holland
There will be NO Kid's Club today after school .Kid's Club will remain cancelled until further notice.
almost 3 years ago, Sara Busch
Elementary Parents: We will no longer be using the PikMyKid app for dismissal. If you have been using it for changes, please call the school instead. We apologize for any inconvenience. The app just didn't work out for us.
almost 3 years ago, Sara Busch
about 3 years ago, Cindy McCradic
Sixth grade band students need to be at the Multi-Purpose Building at 5:15 this evening to prepare for the concert.
about 3 years ago, Sara Busch
There will be no after school tutoring for elementary students Monday December 20 and Tuesday December 21.
about 3 years ago, Sara Busch